Seeking more? Let’s get you there.
Seeking more?
Let’s get you there.
A no-nonsense wisdom drop in your inbox every second Monday.
A micro-blog of tips and insights to help you rise.
You’re probably here because I’ve been recommended by someone you trust.
Because you’re figuring out how to navigate a promotion. I’ve been informally called “The Partner Whisperer” at some firms in which I coach.
Because you’re trying not to know that you’re burnt out, and that your body is screaming. I spent years recovering from debilitating burnout in my 40s. It sucked.
Because you’re exhausted, overwhelmed, and in spite of your radical efficiency, you’re still playing whack-a-mole. Pretty much daily. For years. I am literally writing the book on this.
Because you’ve had coaching before, and it was “fine,” but it didn’t quite get to the nub of things. Been there.
Because you’ve been conventionally successful, but you’re secretly wondering, “Is this all there is?” Been there too.
Because you’re laying awake at 2am wondering if you have another role in you, or if you’re done with this career. Ah yes, that old chestnut. I tossed and turned for months before writing the resignation letter and returning my ID badge and Blackberry (remember those?)
I’ve coached Managing Partners. C-suite execs. Dozens and dozens of Managing Directors and Partners. I’ve delivered global coaching programmes for senior leaders in finance with top-rated feedback.
Before becoming a coach, I was a Director in Fixed Income sales at a German Investment Bank. I covered hedge funds and central banks.
I have a Doctorate from Cambridge University.
I’m an Association for Coaching “Fellow Member” (+15 years of experience, +3,000 delivery hours, and making a contribution to the coaching industry). This ain’t my first rodeo.
I’m a thought leader in the world of coaching. My insights have featured in Forbes, the Times, Fast Company, efinancialnews, Psychologies, Psychology Today, The Metro, Huffington Post, on CNBC and in several other media outlets.
One of my first jobs was teaching aerobics classes in a shiny leotard back in the 1980s. I’m used to leading people through discomfort and repetition without losing my cool — or my enthusiasm.
I’ve been an employee and an entrepreneur. Both have pros and cons. I understand the discombobulating shift that leaving a big, important job can have on one’s sense of self. AND it can be liberating on the other side…Still, it’s not for everyone.
I’ve been divorced twice — once when my son was a toddler. I’ve been a single mom in an investment banking job, juggling all the things. I thought I wasn’t good at relationships, but I put myself out there again, and I’m happily married (and gained two more sons). I share this because intense jobs impact private life.
I am a nerd 🤓. If we work together, I will refer to books, send you ideas, draw up Venn diagrams. You have been warned.