Episode 26: Your Natural State of Achievement with Dr. Erin Baker

Calling all overachievers! Ever wonder if your exceedingly high work ethic is your authentic way of functioning?

Like really, really?

Maybe it’s a series of beliefs that you internalized along the way.

Maybe your whole system for “doing” is based on someone else’s fears – a parent’s, perhaps, who said things to you like, “You’ll amount to nothing with those grades.”

Enter Dr Erin Baker, social psychologist, transformational coach, and rad human.

They were an anxious child who grew up with overachieving parents, both professors.

Erin shares how they became a burnt-out overachiever (whose Facebook job looked shiny and impressive on the outside), and what finally made them stop driving themselves to exhaustion.

AND (*this bit is super exciting*) they share how they’re doing productivity from a place that feels aligned – and sustainable. It IS possible, folks!

You’ll learn:

  • How to dialogue with your achiever
  • How to figure out what you really want
  • Explore MVP, minimum viable productivity

Press play and join us!


Dr Erin Baker on Instagram

Erin’s website

Laziness Does Not Exist, by Devon Price

Allison Crow

Internal Family Systems