Episode 32: Optimize Your Stress Response, with Sarah Norrad
You push yourself too hard, too regularly, for too long. You’re use harsh inner self-talk to motivate yourself because, hey, it works and feels familiar.
You’re incredibly successful, but you’re tired. Like bone tired. You secretly wonder how long this can go on…But you don’t think about it much, because day after day, you’re sucked into the vortex of your diary.
Today’s highly practical episode is about how you can learn to better regulate your stressed-out mind and body.
You’ll learn about why stress gets stuck in the body, leaving you in that fried, spacey state.
You’ll learn how to motivate yourself with self-compassion, instead of harshness.
You’ll learn practical ways to get stress out of your system, including a kissing technique you’ve gotta try.
My guest is Sarah Norrad, a coach and mindfulness guide who’s certified in MBSR — that’s mindfulness-based stress reduction. Her other accolades include reiki master, yoga teacher, and trauma-informed educator. You’re in good hands.
Let’s dive in…
Sarah Norrad’s website: https://www.sarahnorrad.com
Sarah Norrad on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/sarah.norrad/
Emily and Amelia Nagoski’s book: https://www.penguinrandomhouse.ca/books/592377/burnout-by-emily-nagoski-phd-and-amelia-nagoski-dma/9781984817068
Thais Sky’s comprehensive podcast episode on the nervous system (this is on her own podcast): https://www.thaissky.com/podcast/174
Andrew Huberman on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/hubermanlab/
Mandy Lehto on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/mandylehto/
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