Episode 42: Self-acceptance (when you have sky-high expectations) with Anna Mathur

You’re someone who holds yourself to ridiculously high standards, and there’s a weird sort of pride in that. You’re known for going the extra mile. It’s helped to make you successful.

What happens when the ideals that you hold yourself to become unsustainable? How do you reconcile the very human feelings that you’re experiencing with the image of who you think you have to be?

Today’s guest is author and psychotherapist Anna Mathur. She has featured in the Daily Telegraph, Marie Claire, Stylist, Mother and Baby, and on BBC Radio 4’s Women’s Hour, amongst others. Her most recent book is The Little Book of Calm for Mums.

We do touch on parenthood, but this episode is much wider.

You’ll learn about self-acceptance. It sounds so unsexy, I know. Sorry ‘bout that. AND I think you’re really doing to dig Anna’s take on this.

You’ll learn about the Fish Oil Burp Effect, a new term we coined — that alone is worth listening for.

And you’ll learn two tools that’ll help if you struggle with the impeccable standards that you set for yourself.

Anna’s funny, relatable, and wise. Join us!



Anna on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/annamathur/

Anna’s website: https://www.annamathur.com

The Serenity Prayer:
God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change,
The courage to change the things I can,
And the wisdom to know the difference.