Episode 43: Three Fears Perfectionists Have, with Michaela Thomas

Are you scared of being “ordinary”? — as if that relegates you to the dull, low-achieving, not-living-life-to-the full bucket.

Or maybe you’re afraid of failing, so you only do things you’re already good at. You’d love to take more risks, but only if you don’t look bad.

Or maybe you’re scared of really shining bright, because that would mean you’re a bit full of yourself. So, you dim your light and play it safe.

If any of these conundrums have you nodding, you’re in the right place. I’m doing a Q&A with author and clinical psychologist, Michaela Thomas.

Michaela specialises in perfectionism and helping busy, stressed-out people find balance over burnout. She also runs the Pause Purpose Play podcast.

You’ll learn where the pressure to be extraordinary can come from.

You’ll learn techniques to take the sting out of failure.

And you’ll consider if you’re dimming your light with your accomplishments, even if you are pushing so hard for success.

Join us! Practical and pacey. Michaela is a real delight.



Michaela Thomas’ website: https://thethomasconnection.co.uk

Michaela on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/the_thomas_connection/

Cristiano Ronaldo video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8H_DSErYUZk

Catherine Gray’s book: The Unexpected Joy of the Ordinary

Gay Hendricks: The Big Leap: Conquer Your Hidden Fear and Take Life to the Next Level

Quiz on Mandy’s website: https://mandylehto.com/quiz-waiting-for-the-other-shoe-to-drop/

Me on Michaela’s podcast: Perfectionism, overachieving and not feeling good enough, with Mandy Lehto