Episode 53: I’m incredibly successful (and I hate my life), with Lt. Shannon Sedlacek
You’ve spent years pursuing a career, and it’s been tough. Then again, so are you. You’re exhausted, and your mental health is fraying. But you can’t even contemplate upending your life now that the money’s good and you’ve got status and titles. Sound familiar? Today’s guest, Shannon Sedlacek, was a litigation attorney whose career looked enviable from the outside. On the inside, she was barely holding it together. She tells her powerful story of (literally) falling off the career ladder, and the insights that bubbled up during her forced reflection time as she recovered. You’ll learn how she dealt with her over-achiever and feelings of not-enoughness as she navigated into her next, very different career. You’ll also hear her advice for YOU if you’re on the golden gerbil wheel, wondering how long this can go on. Poignant and practical. Oh, and there’s some spicy language, so headphone up and join us.
Shannon Sedlacek’s website.
Mandy Lehto on Instagram.
School of Life book that Mandy reads from.