Episode 60: Am I Addicted to Work? With Dr Anna Lembke

Are you addicted to the buzz of work — the pace, the adrenaline, the excitement? The insidious thing about work addiction is that it’s often praised by others, giving it a very different “feel” than being addicted, say, to cocaine or pornography.

In today’s episode, you’ll learn how we become addicted to work — is it the result of childhood trauma, for instance? How do we know if work has become an addiction? And if it has, what can we do about it?

My guest is Dr Anna Lembke, professor of psychiatry at Stanford University. She’s a world-leading expert on addiction, and is also the author of the New York Times bestseller, Dopamine Nation: Finding balance in an age of indulgence. Practical and thought-provoking. Join us!



Anna’s book, Dopamine Nation.