Episode 88: Three Marriages, No Children. I Numbed Out with Work & Wine. Dr Melanie Sue Hicks

On the outside, Dr Mel Hicks (47) had it all. She’s been a global philanthropist for two decades. She’s a published author, keynote speaker, and has travelled to 44 countries. But another failed marriage, and an emergency hysterectomy threw Mel into shame and self-doubt. She was alone again, and she’d never be a mother – and she blamed herself. As a high-achiever and a self-proclaimed “runner” from her problems, Mel dove into her charity work, and drank and partied so she wouldn’t have to face her feelings of not-enoughness. She finally had to confront the big emotions she’d been running from. Can she find a new way of relating to herself if she’s not a mom, and still feel enough? Let’s find out…




Melanie Sue Hicks’s website and book

Mel on Instagram

Mandy on Instagram