MoxieCast 041: How to Get Into Your Body

Ever feel like your relationship with pleasure, sensuality and the feminine is a bit of a Rubik’s cube?

For years, I heard the phrase “get out of your head and into your body,” and never really understood it. I mean, duh, where else would I be? I clearly had a lot to learn…

Today’s guest is Alexis Artin, owner of a globally renowned female empowerment company who’s on a mission to help women connect with their bodies.

Before you do a U-turn Gents, this episode isn’t just for women. There’s some real insight here for you too…

We discuss:

  • Feminine and Masculine Energy: What’s the difference? Why should we care?
  • Embodying the feminine: Awareness, appreciation, and experiencing feelings/senses 
  • Practical ways to access our feminine – and what that can mean in our lives (pure, juicy goodness)
  • Why pleasure is magnetic…

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Links and Resources


Alexis Artin

Alexis Artin on Instagram

The Female Brain by Louann Brizendine

Why Gender Matters by Leonard Sax

Mandy Lehto

Mandy Lehto on Instagram


Review MoxieCast on iTunes


Quotes by Alexis Artin:


“I really wear so many hats in my life. My friends refer to me, jokingly, as the Forrest Gump of the Feminine.”


“What are the three worst words that a man can hear from a woman? ‘We gotta talk.’”


“It is inherently dangerous to be in a feminine body. Being in a feminine body, life is the ultimate resource and that’s what the feminine is, she’s the source of life.”


“Feminine Experience of Life: When a woman is in that experience, it’s pleasureful, and that pleasure is magnetic.”