MoxieCast 044: A Created Life, with Danusia Malina-Derben




Excuses are always available.

And yet there are people who just go for it in life. They have a spark about them. A knack of creating a big, juicy life, not just reacting to a never-ending to-do list.

Danusia Malina-Derben, is one such woman. She’s an entrepreneur, academic, and organizational behavior and development expert. Oh, and she’s a mum of ten.

She’s also the host of the School for Mothers and School for Fathers podcasts, and the author of two forthcoming books in 2021. 

I asked Danusia to share about being brave and handling her insidious inner critic.

How does Danusia set and accomplish unreasonable goals?

How does she live a created life on her OWN terms?

Our conversation covers:

  • Changing your inner critic’s diet (SO good!)
  • Why unreasonable goals and falling on your face is necessary
  • Doing vs Being
  • How do you play the cards of failure when you’re on your face?
  • The power of a bold request – you can’t get what you don’t ask for

Grab your cuppa and join us!




Links and Resources:

Effective Leadership Development and Business Consulting

Danusia Malina-Derben on LinkedIn

School for Mothers Podcast

School for Fathers Podcast

David Taylor-Klaus

Fear of Flying by Erica Jong

Mandy Lehto

Mandy Lehto on Instagram

Review MoxieCast on iTunes


Quotes by Danusia Malina-Derben:


“Somehow, my soul had a calling to do lots of things – and do them really well.”


“I’m concerned about the bottom line, but I’m more concerned about people. People are my thing.”


“Unreasonable goals drive accomplishments.”