No matter how jazzed you feel about your life, it’s easy to slip into the “blahness” of daily living. We’ve all been there – stuck in a zombie-like state, going through the motions with glazed eyes (and insatiable cravings).

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MoxieCast is an antidote to boredom, blahness and lethargy. This podcast is designed to be a well that you can tap whenever you need a jolt of energy and inspiration. We’ll burn through excuses and create a shift in how you walk through life. Find a new perspective. Zap inertia and jump-start your best self.

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Recent Episodes

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If you’re ready to disable your auto-pilot and to find out what’s possible when you live “on purpose,” this show is for YOU.

“What you seek is seeking you.” Rumi

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I’m so glad you’re here. Have feedback or ideas for me? I’m here: Send me an email